Editorial Process and Information for Contributors

Editorial Process and Information for Contributors

A. Open call
B. Editorial process
C. Final submission requirement

A. Open call

We run an open call for contributions for each issue, where we invite the submission of an abstract/proposal followed later by finished works and articles. Responses to our open call usually require an initial proposal (approximately 400 words) and a short biographical statement (approximately 100 words).

Please check our ‘call for submissions’ page for detailed, up-to-date information on upcoming issues, deadlines and current issue themes.

All submissions (proposals and final contributions) should be sent to: hyphen.editorial@gmail.com.

B. Editorial process

All proposals and abstracts are first considered by the Hyphen editorial team. During this initial part of the process, a submission may be rejected or accepted to undergo our editorial process. Should your submission be accepted, we will let you know which review system your submission is best suited to. Every acceptance is on condition of review by our editors or peer review process (as explained below). We believe this structure allows us to support experimental works which may not fit into a traditional academic framework.

Editor only review

We work closely with all accepted contributors, supporting the production of experimental and media-rich work, alongside scholarly or academic writing. All accepted submissions will be assigned an editor, who will offer feedback to help you prepare your article for publication. Freeform writing and creative work is reviewed by our editors only.

Peer review

Since Issue 3, Hyphen has implemented a double-blind peer review process for all scholarly works. This process is reserved for scholarly or academic writing which are deemed to benefit from the process. Our peer review process follows the same editing process as our editorial only review, but with the addition of peer review before publication.

During peer review, the reviewer may make a recommendation for the submission. This may be the option to publish, publish with minor adjustments, publish with major adjustments or not to publish at all.

C. Final submission requirement

Please send your final submission as a Word document, with:

● Author’s name and affiliation
● A short biography (approximately 100 words)
● Article title
● Abstract (100–150 words, adequately reflecting the contents of the work)
● Keywords (five)
● Endnotes (as opposed to footnotes)
● A feature image for your article: in landscape format; jpg, png, or gif file format; minimum width: 2560px. Please note that this image might be cropped depending on where it appears on the site. The pixel aspect ratio will always be preserved.
● Please indicate where you would like images and/or media to be placed within your text by inserting the corresponding file name in square brackets ie. [filename1.jpg]

Word length

● Maximum length for scholarly articles is 8000 words (excluding bibliography).
● We recommend a minimum length of 1000 words for practice-based artworks.
● The word count can be negotiated during the editing and peer review process.

Still Image, Video and Sound

● Still images should be submitted as jpg, png, or gif files or pdf in the case of vector images.
● Image size should not exceed 2000px in max-width (or max-height) and a file size of 250 to 300 KB (more detailed explanation here). Please provide image files as a downloadable link from WeTransfer) or similar.
● Video work up to 30 min can be embedded via a Vimeo or YouTube link. Please ensure a good streaming resolution in terms of image quality as well as loading time.
● Sound can be embedded within your contribution page. Please provide a link to sound/music files hosted on your own account, preferably SoundCloud.
● Image file names: separate words with a dash: – (no empty spaces please).

When sending your final submission, please ensure the following:
● Any reproduction permissions are obtained (see ‘Responsibilities of authors’)
● You have applied the Hyphen style guide (see ‘Style Guide’)

Contributors are given access to a final online version of their work after editing but before the launch of the issue. This allows contributors to check the page layout prior to publishing.

If you wish to discuss your submission or have any other enquiry, please contact the editorial team.

Updated: 01/02/2021

Current Issue

Issue 2 June 2020

Past Issue

Issue 1 March 2019


Hyphen Journal