stav B

Obsessive Natures

I am in awe with the resilience and immortality of grass. Without its existence, there would be famine and with its tenacity the earth is held in place. It provides food for all living beings and protects the soil from erosion. It is found everywhere, adaptable and penetrative: in lush rainforests, inaccessible slopes, forbidding mountains and in the privacy of deserts. It is ecologically, philosophically and historically vital, eternal and futuristic, after water, light and air. I am creating a kineograph (flipbook), simulating motions in quick successions and obscure animating tableaux vivants and narratives of my current everyday life (isolation, distance, presence and absence, imagination, memory, nostalgia, experience, loss and hope) on my daily walks, where I interact with nature, especially grass in an open space and among the trees. What is lurking underneath these slender fibres: a living and breathing microcosmos, ignored or forgotten.

As I meditate, I float like a cloud, while I am grounded, feeling the earth underneath my never-ending steps, feeling the grass.

These images of this simple daily ritual symbolise my gratitude and humility, but also the current uncertainty (pandemic and far right ideologies/ policies), disrupting the equilibrium of life. With these images of this ritual, I take charge of the resistance, subverting the dislocated vision with panorama.

It is a matter of space, spatial expansion and the wandering, wondering eye devouring the attention and attendance.

I am everywhere virtually, but nowhere physically; my Carte de Tendre is intensified and imagined.

My body adapts to its dislocation and the solitary voyage, craving intimacy and collaboration and at the same time, longing for solitude and privacy; one with the earth, its smells, its air, its water, its life and recollection, rejecting subordination and embodying adapted strength.


I am a visual artist, conceiving and manifesting a cross-disciplinary body of work, that I have been developing and evolving, since my graduations. My current practice combines spoken word, live art, and installation, still and moving image, sound and scent, which have been incorporated and synthetically established for a multimedia presentation.

My work is placed at the junctions of visual art and performance and deals with the on-going theme of (sexual) identity, love, the politics of the female gaze, the aesthetics of beauty, obsession and transformation, nature and evolution, space and spectator.

My research project combines experimental creative practice, auto ethnography, artist interviews and critical analysis. It draws from my own life experiences, as a lesbian woman, as well as my artistic practice with multidisciplinary performances, including soundscapes, still images and experiments. I am interested in the concept of the archive, collecting forgotten stories and situating the loss of urban and culturally important, for lesbian women, spaces, as a context to explore my artistic practice in relation to geopolitical impacts of brutal capitalist systems.

Vimeo: Stav B